(TITC) – On 8th June, the Opening Ceremony of the International Fireworks Festival (DIFF) 2024, themed “Made in Unity” took place. Residents and tourists were “satisfied” with the competition between the host team Da Nang – Vietnam and the French team.

Chairman of Da Nang City People’s Committee Le Trung Chinh speaking at the Opening Ceremony (Photo: baodanang.vn)

Speaking at the Opening Ceremony, Mr. Le Trung Chinh, Chairman of Da Nang City People’s Committee, said, DIFF would like to send a message about the connection between peoples and countries, the harmony between people and nature towards a peaceful, civilised and prosperous world.

Along with the development of the country, Da Nang with its favourable geographical location, beautiful natural scenery, people here keep the culture and hospitality firmly. All aimed at creating an attractive investment environment and a locality with its own identity.

(Photo: baodanang.vn)

With the participation of professional fireworks teams from countries around the world, the festival has many events and activities with the hope of bringing visitors a complete experience of the festival and the beautiful city of Da Nang.

This year, with the attraction of fireworks and a specially invested stage, it has brought the most beautiful views, creating a different experience.

(Photo: baodanang.vn)

With the script titled ‘Dance of the Sky’, the host team Da Nang – Vietnam introduced the audience to a satisfying performance with 3 interesting parts: Heavenly Light – people’s harmony – Prosperity.

Taking the image of the dragon, which is also the 2024 mascot of Vietnamese culture, the defending champion team France painted the sky of the Han River with enchanting and attractive “dances” to convey the message of strength, power and human connection. Strong and vibrant sound with cascading and continuously rotating fireworks creates a brilliant atmosphere on the Han River.

DIFF 2024 will have 5 nights of fireworks during from 8th June to 13th July 2024. Competitions will take place between the following teams: Italy – America (15th June) with the theme: Made of Nature Wisdom; Germany – Poland (22nd June) with theme: Made of Love Inspiration; China – Finland on 29th June with the theme Made of Fairy Tales and the final night takes place on 13th July with the theme Made of Young Generation.

From baodanang.vn

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